Jumat, 25 Mei 2018

Artikel CD Interaktif untuk Membentuk Soft Skill di Jurnal AKADEMIKA UNS

Artikel ini diterbitkan padaAkademika Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Pendidikan Tinggi Volume III No. 1 Januari 2011 ISSN 1979-4754 Penerbit Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret


Artikel Penggunaan CD Interaktif untuk Membentuk Soft Skill Mahasiswa dalam Menggambar dan Menganalisis Kurva

Abstract: The establishment of patterns of thinking logically and rationally in the learning economy is the main goal. Learning rational economics can be applied to the curves corresponding to the material economy. Logical point of economic events can be applied to economic theory. Lecturer Economics courses have an obligation to use the media as a complement to interactive CD-based learning soft skills. Based on the results of the study conducted round showed an increase in soft skills which round 1, there are 50% of the students were able to draw and curve analysis correctly while in the second round, 100% of students to draw curves correctly but 30% of them have not been able to provide conclusions or analysis properly. In addition, the learning students do get a positive response: approximately 94,55% to 90,9% with or love of learning with interactive CD is only about 5,45% - 9,1% gave a negative response.
Keywords: constructivism, Contextual Teaching and Learning, learning strategies, soft skills,           interactive CD

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